Consistent Metering Services

Specialists in electrical and water metering


S.A.B.S. approved meters are installed by Consistent Metering in residential dwellings ie houses, complexes, blocks of flats, as well as office blocks and commercial businesses. These meters are normally, after a contract has been agreed to and signed installed free of charge, and stay the property of Consistent Metering.

Consistent Metering also sells, installs and manages prepaid electricity meters. Although the KVH unit price works out to be more expensive than conventional metering, some consumers prefer to ‘manage; their electrical consumption by prepaid purchasing.


Where proper water meters are present Consistent Metering manages residential as well as business usage on the same basis as electricity.

Many buildings unfortunately do not have individual water meters for tenants with the result that the monthly usage for the building/complex is divided into either the number of tenants in the building/complex. This is far from accurate as well as unfair to those attempting to save water.

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